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Susie Klassen - Susie Klassen

By Faith...


...Sister Susie Klassen presses on in her walk with God, knowing His Word is truth. By faith she chooses to not grow weary in well doing, knowing that God is well pleased in this, and believing that for surety she has a mansion in Glory waiting for her if she faithfully endures to the end. By faith she trusts God to pour grace upon her life as an elder’s wife and mother of two.

By faith she and her husband serve in the ministry which God has given them, shepherding the flock with God-given wisdom from above. By faith she prays for her husband, believing and seeing that God gives him wisdom, grace, understanding, boldness, and a love for their people.

By faith she believed that God would provide a home for her and her family when their landlord sold the house and they needed to move within two weeks’ time. By faith she trusted that God had a plan and purpose for their move to Leamington. The selling of their house went so fast; it was of God. She believed that God would victoriously bring another sister in Christ through a deep depression, and He did.


Taken from "The Heartbeat of the Remnant"



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