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Luella Dyck - Luella Dyck

By Faith...


...Sister Luella Dyck is a mother. By faith she rises each morning to see young faces. By faith she endeavors to teach her children true lessons of kindness, and shares with them wisdom the world can’t destroy. By faith, in service to her family, she gives of herself and tries to excel in the work of her hands. By faith she strives to teach them—by example, word and discipline—to work for the Lord, to be living sacrifices for the Lord, and to love as Jesus loved. By faith she shelters them from evil to keep them pure for a holy God to use.


By faith she is a wife. By faith she sees her husband as her earthly lord, giving herself to reverencing him without the need for him to earn it. By faith she defers to him, happily yielding judgment to him, safely trusting and resting in his authority, finding peace and freedom inexplicable. By faith she submits to him, yielding herself to his admonitions and advice, allowing him to sanctify and cleanse her by washing her in the water of the Word, so that he can present her to himself as a glorious, spotless bride.


By faith she is a woman. By faith she seeks to be adorned with a meek and quiet spirit. By faith she shall be covered with shamefacedness, sobriety and discretion. By faith she veils her head as a sign to the angels. By faith she clothes herself in modesty and dignity, leaving alone the fashions of this world and the costly array that displays the pride of the flesh.

Taken from "The Heartbeat of the Remnant"



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